

XT’s Principals are seasoned professionals who have had the following broad responsibilities, accountabilities and work experiences:

  • Plan Sponsor: Responsible for the administration and management of what was, at the time, the largest Defined Benefit and Savings Plan in the United States.
  • Consultant: Began two stand-alone asset consulting practices within large financial institutions.
  • Money Management: Chief Executive Officer for two large money management firms with $40 Billion and $238 Billion respectively.
  • Entrepreneurs:
    • Started a currency hedging/overlay/fixed income money management firm which, with over $30 Billion under management, is currently the largest independent currency manager of institutional assets in the world.
    • Established US institutional business for London based Global Bond Manager.
    • Started a web-based technology platform incorporating traditional and hedge fund performance data and work flow efficiency tools for money owners, money managers and consultants.
  • Sales Experience:
    • Global Bond Manager – London – Head of Global Marketing.
    • Currency Overlay/Fixed Income Manager – London – Global Head of Marketing and Client Service.
    • Value Manager – New York – Global Head of Sales and Client Service.
    • International Equities/Bonds – New York – Head of Institutional Sales – US.
    • Private Equity (Secondary Manager) - New York- Head of Institutional Sales-US.
    • Multi-product in global markets – New York – Global Head of Sales and Client Service.
  • Years Experience in the Institutional Market:
    • Cumulative 80 years (3 Principals).
    • Responsible for or raised in excess of $100 billion over 32 years.